Friday, 6 January 2017

What is Deep Web?

Deep web:

The deep web,invisible web, or hidden web are parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard search engines for any reason. The opposite term to the deep web is the surface web. The deep web includes many very common uses such as web mailonline banking but also paid for services with a paywall such as video on demand, and many more. Computer scientist Mike Bergman is credited with coining the term deep web in 2000 as a search indexing term.

In our daily life we only use the surface web.Google, Yahoo and other search engines only show 4% of the data available on the internet. To access the other 96% it requires customized digging through individual sites, restricted access journals, archives and so on. This 96% is known as deep web.It's also important to understand that pretty much every thing we do online is visible,traceable and possibly be monitored. Everything except....for the areas of the deep web that are masked by the "dark web" which means you can access and interact with it anonymously without being tracked

To know more about "Deep Web and Dark Web" read my next blog.....