Saturday, 7 January 2017

The Other Side of Internet

In my last blog i talked a little about deep web today we will take a closer look on " Darknet" which is the dark side of Internet.
The size of the Deep Web is difficult to calculate. But top university researchers say the Web you know -- Facebook, Wikipedia, news -- makes up less than 1% of the entire World Wide Web.When you surf the Web, you really are just floating at the surface. For Example- Deep web are those which you can not find on Google.  Dive below and there are tens of trillions of pages -- an unfathomable number -- that most people have never seen which is known as Darknet.

   But first, what exactly is the Darknet?

  • Darknet – A Darknet is an overlay network that can only be accessed with specific software, configurations, or authorization, often using non-standard communications protocols and ports.
  • Dark web – The Dark web is content that exists on Darknet, overlay networks which use the public Internet but which require specific software, configurations or authorization to access.
  • Deep web – The Deep web is parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are not indexed by standard search engines for any reason.
  • Clearnet – The Clearnet is a term typically referring to the unencrypted, or non-darknet. This traditional world wide web has relatively low-base anonymity, with most websites routinely identifying users by their IP address.
DarkNet :
darknet  is an overlay network that can only be accessed with specific software, configurations, or authorization, often using non-standard communications protocols and ports. Two typical darknet types are friend-to-friend networks (usually used for file sharing with a peer-to-peer connection) and privacy networks such as Tor.

Origin- "Darknet" was coined in the 1970s to designate networks which were isolated from ARPANET, which evolved into the Internet, for security purposes. Darknets were able to receive data from ARPANET, but had addresses which did not appear in the network lists and would not answer pings or other inquiries.

Uses :

Darknets in general may be used for various reasons, such as:
  • Computer crime (hacking, file corruption etc.)
  • Protecting dissidents from political reprisal
  • File sharing (warez, personal files, pornography, confidential files, illegal or counterfeit software etc.)
  • To better protect the privacy rights of citizens from targeted and mass surveillance
  • Sale of restricted goods on darknet markets
  • Whistleblowing and news leaks